11 Yarn Stash Organising Ideas
is here. You are thinking that now is the right time to start making
all those pretty things you have in your "Crochet Ideas" Pinterest
board. So, here are 11 organising tips and ideas, that will make your
knitting time relaxed and happier.
good way to start is by making your "yarn inventory". This way you will
not buy something you already have and you can match up yarns you've
used previously and want to use again.
How to keep your balls of yarn in order
Use a clean sugar dispenser by threading the end of the yarn through the hole in the lid.
Make a hole in the lid of a jar and place your yarn inside the jar
Repurpose empty tissue boxes. They can also stack and take less space.
Use empty cd/dvd sprindles. They can also stack.
How about a closet organizer? You can also hang it in your craft room wall.
Or the Ikea bag dispensers?
Wrap the yarn leftovers around clothespins. Don't forget to clasp the end of the yarn.
You will also need a storage for your needles. How about a jar, that can be decorated with your crochet creations?
For the "knitting work in progress", make a beautiful sofa-pocket
Keep your cat busy while you knitting and have some yarn balls only for her.
Yarn leftovers can be used for making small crafts, like key covers
How do you store your balls of yarn? Leave me a comment about your organising ideas!
images via pinterest